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agricultural building in South Derbyshire

Retention of change of use – agricultural to mixed use

Category: Change of Use

Location: Derbyshire


To secure planning permission for the retention of a change of use for four former agricultural buildings to mixed use, including general industrial, storage and distribution, research and development, and light industrial activities in Hartshorne, South Derbyshire.

How we helped

The application was submitted following a request from Planning Enforcement to regularise the change of use. The site is situated outside of a defined settlement, within a rural area and the National Forest. Key considerations for the enforcement officers included the principle of the development, highways impact, and residential amenity. The assessment focused on whether the site could sustainably accommodate the scale of development without reverting to its previous agricultural use.

It was successfully demonstrated that the principle of the development was in accordance with the Development Plan, which supports the provision of business uses in rural areas. The design and scale of the development were found to be appropriate for its intended use, with minimal visual intrusion and impact on the character of the surrounding area. The operational status of the business and the change of use of the buildings provided evidence of the demand for such facilities in the area.

With the assistance of DTA Transport Consultants and NOVA Acoustics, the application addressed concerns about traffic and noise. It was concluded that the traffic generated by the development would have a minimal impact, and the existing access to the site was deemed suitable. The noise management scheme included operational hour limits and noise level restrictions, ensuring no material impact on the amenity of neighbouring occupiers.

The outcome

The application was approved, confirming that the development is a sustainable and appropriate use of the site, contributing to the local economy and supporting business growth in the rural area.

How can we help you?

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

If you are looking for advice about a similar project please get in touch with our team today.

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