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plan for replacement dwelling in shropshire green belt showing plans for ground and first floors, list of proposed materials and sketch from each side of the property

Replacement dwelling in Shropshire Green Belt

Category: Green Belt, Residential

Location: Shropshire


To secure planning permission for the demolition of an existing dwellinghouse and erection of a replacement dwelling in the Shropshire Green Belt and Kemberton Conservation Area.

The demolition was previously deemed unacceptable by the Local Planning Authority due to concerns over the status of the original dwelling as a non-designated heritage asset and its setting within the Conservation Area as well as questions around the sustainability of demolishing the existing dwelling.

How we helped

With the assistance of Avalon Heritage Consultants, it was successfully demonstrated that the heritage value of the original dwelling was not of a sufficient level to justify its retention. Furthermore, the design of the replacement dwelling was more consistent with the traditional rural architectural style of the Conservation Area.

The applicant also addressed concerns over the sustainability of the development highlighting that the proposed new dwelling would operate more efficiently and therefore provide a more sustainable form of living consistent with the objectives of national policy.

Concerns were also expressed as to whether the proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt. One of the limited number of exceptions to the presumption against new building in the Green Belt is where it relates to the extension or alteration of a building, provided it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building. It was successfully demonstrated that the replacement dwelling, is of a similar footprint and scale as the existing, in so far that the proposed replacement dwelling is not materially larger than the existing building to be replaced and as such the impact on the ‘openness’ of the Green Belt is minimal.

The outcome

Planning Permission was granted providing our client with the opportunity to build their dream home in a desirable location.

How can we help you?

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

If you are looking for advice about a similar project please get in touch with our team today.

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