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Planning Permission for a new detached house

Category: Residential

Location: Staffordshire

Architect: Milena Bartasevica BHB Architects
Ecology: Dr Stuart Graham CEcol, CEnv, MCIEEM, FLS Ecoloyia Ltd.
Trees: Andy Smith Tree Health Consulting


To secure planning permission for a new detached dwelling in Hopwas.

The site is located within the development boundary defined for Hopwas, where the general principle of development is supported. The Local Plan encourages infill development within village settlement boundaries to address local housing needs while promoting high-quality design.

How we helped

The proposal faced challenges related to potential ecological impacts and the presence of mature trees on the site. To address these concerns, CT Planning collaborated with Ecoloyia Ltd and Tree Health Consulting Ltd to demonstrate that the proposed development would have minimal adverse effects on local wildlife and biodiversity. Additionally, as a self-build property, the development is exempt from statutory biodiversity net gain requirements.

The size, design, and layout of the proposed dwelling were deemed appropriate for the site. The application effectively showed that the proposal conserves and enhances the built environment, providing character and a sense of place consistent with the existing settlement.

The outcome

Planning permission was secured for the development.

Overall, this application will contribute to local housing needs while enhancing the design character of the surrounding area, positively impacting the community and supporting sustainable development.

How can we help you?

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

If you are looking for advice about a similar project please get in touch with our team today.

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