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plan design for allotment land

Change of use – allotment to cemetery

Category: Change of Use

Location: Staffordshire


To secure planning permission for the change of use of allotment land to form an extension of the existing cemetery in Stapenhill.

The existing cemetery is a Grade II registered Park and Garden and contains a Grade II listed structure. Additionally, the site is within locality of two conservation areas.

How we helped

The application was submitted on behalf of the Communities and Open Spaces department of the East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC), and thus was required to be presented to the planning committee.

Several neighbour concerns were raised regarding amenity, highway impact, pollution, flooding, and drainage. However, it was successfully demonstrated that the distances from residential properties and the nature of the cemetery use would result in no significant adverse effects on neighbouring amenity. The extension would also enhance current visitor access to the cemetery.

The application also highlighted, that due to the increasing local demand for burial plots and the limited cemetery provision, expanding into the nearby vacant allotment presented a suitable solution that utilises existing facilities while minimally impacting the surrounding area’s character and appearance.

The outcome

The application was subsequently approved by committee, who concluded that the proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the significance of designated heritage assets, which is outweighed by the public benefits. With the assistance of DJOGS, the application also addressed concerns about the impact on trees and biodiversity.
In these circumstances, the proposed development is considered an acceptable form of development, contributing to the sustainable growth and expansion of an existing community facility.

How can we help you?

The value in employing a town planning consultant is that they will explore the best strategy to secure planning permission to achieve your brief.

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